July 20, 2008

A fun day at sea....

Yesterday, the kids and I had a fun day out on a boat charter. We went with a group of student friends of Dave's. We got on the boat at 7:30 and got yummy croissants and quiche on the boat before we left. We left from the lagoon so we had to make it to Marigot by 8:30 when the bridge went up. I've never been on the side of being in the water for once instead of being in the car waiting for the bridge to come down! So that was a fun difference!
We then sailed for 2 1/2 hours to a little island off of St Maarten called Tintamarre. Once there we swam and played on the beach and also got a great mud bath! This is my third time to the island so my 3rd mud bath...but its so great and makes your skin so soft! Even Reece got into the spirit and put on the mud! The other two weren't so interested!
After sometime on the island we swam back to the boat for a yummy lunch prepared by the crew of the boat. After lunch we headed to Creole Rock, where the boys and I snorkeled. We saw lots of cool fish, and Carter thought it was "Awesome" and he so badly wanted to do it again! Reece got to help drive the boat! He thought that was so awesome and definitely his favorite time of the day!
After snorkeling we continued on to one last swim spot, where we all just relaxed and had some nice fruit for a snack. Then it was back to Marigot to catch the bridge going up again! It was a long day and we all got a bit toasty but we had a great day! The only thing that could have made it better was if Dave could have gone..but he was studying as usual! But break is only 4 weeks away and then we can do some fun stuff all together!

July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We are wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July! We celebrated today with a beach picnic with our friends from the Spouses Org. It was fun but nothing like the 4th on Lake Francis! We can't wait until next summer to have a 4th the way it is suppose to be! Hope all of our friends and family had a great day and for those of you living in the US we hope you appreciated it, you don't know how good you have it!

July 2, 2008

Its been a while

Let me start by saying I can't believe that it is July already. The year is just flying by...on the other hand, this semester is crawling by! I can't wait for it to be over! Dave and I are already getting our list together of things we have to do on break since it will be our last one to enjoy the island.

Since I posted last, Reece has had his last day of 3rd grade! His grades were awesome and a lot of them had gone up since the last report card. He got nearly all A's! The only subject he really has trouble with is French! His reading has really improved and we're so proud of him! He's excited to have some time off but looking forward to starting 4th grade here on the island!

Carter has survived his birthday! He had a great time. We had lunch with his friends at McDonald's and I made a yummy cake...in my toaster oven!! We tried to go Mini Golfing but it wasn't open so we had to go have ice cream instead, but all in all a great day. He was so funny b/c we had all his presents in the house for 2-3 weeks and he never once asked to open them but once it was actually his b-day he never stopped asking if it was time to open them! He had so much patience that I guess it just all fell apart at the end!

Gavin is up to the same old thing. After Carter had his birthday Gavin decided it was his birthday too and he now thinks he is 4...and there's no convincing him he isn't. In a little under 2 weeks we can celebrate 1 whole year of no diaper changing in the Reimer family! Wow has that been nice and money saving!! He has also perfected his swimming and can swim across the pool by himself and he loves swimming under water!

Dave and I are just hanging in there. Dave is pretty busy with school again, so still studying and spending most of his time at the school. I'm still doing the surrogate patient thing, and trying to stay busy to make time go by a little faster. Here are a few random pictures of things we have been up to.

Here is the cake I made in my toaster oven for Carter's birthday. Look how big those boys are getting!

Here is a going away party we had for one of my good buddies Sheryl who left the island a couple weeks ago. These are two of my island pals Carlyn and Hanna. I got a hair cut...what do you think?

Another one of us at the going away party.

A day at the beach. This is the best beach, the locals call it "baby beach" because it is so calm. Here are the boys with JT, Carter's best pal, and Nate, who is Gavin's best friend. They were making a floating garden and were so proud of themselves.

A great day at the park! Even I had to get into the action!